Clearways are used by councils to free up valuable lane space for commuting traffic during peak periods, closing the lane for parking during certain hours. Some of these zones are closed to parking around the clock while others can be closed between certain hours – usually, the peak hours of 7-9 am and 4-7 pm.
That way the lanes can be used as dual-purpose, typically to allow businesses to access local parking during the day, meanwhile assisting traffic flow during busy hours. But when vehicles sit in these zones during the peak hours, it can cause major congestion and even accidents.
These areas are clearly marked by signage and at present, drivers can be fined for parking or stopping in the lanes during the displayed hours. You can also have your vehicle towed in these cases.
That means, unless you are driving a public bus, a minibus or a taxi, you cannot stop at all in the zones or you could pay a fine of $165 and a further $361 to have your car returned to you.
Pitbull Towing is available for the Ballarat Council region as well as the surrounding councils in Hepburn, Moorabool, Golden Plains and the Pyrenees. We provide clearway towing services for these areas, ensuring signage is adhered to and offending cars are safely removed to a council impound complex.
We are a local company with years of experience. Backed by an extensive fleet and drivers to get the job quickly and efficiently, we keep traffic moving in Ballarat. We use all of the correct equipment required to secure vehicles to the tray and ensure there is no damage during collection.